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How to secure your facebook account from Hackers 2016

As We know that Facebook is become the Most Important part of our Life. We Use Facebook When your Chat with Friends, Entertainment, Play Games Online, Interesting Apps Out there and Lot of Features that Attract End Users. There are Approx. Billions plus Users on Facebook and They also Need to Secure Facebook Account from Hackers. Sometimes On Facebook We can Share some Credential Information with our Clients and Others So, It is Important to Secure our Facebook Account. Facebook Enhance Their Security Algorithm Day by Day and Use Bounty Programs to Secure User Data. So Some of People Out There Who not use Facebook Security Features Effectively. So Below are the Important Tips to Secure Your Facebook Account from Hackers. There are Many of Girls Who easily hacked So I Recommended those Girls to Follow These Tips to Secure Facebook Account from Hackers.

1.) Activate 2-Step Verification

This is the Latest Security Enhancement by Facebook. It Seems to be Copy from Gmail But It is very Effective Way to Protect Your Account. In This When you Enter Username & Password and Hit Enter. You can Received a Message on your Phone Number Which you use on Facebook and This Message Contain a Code that you Need to enter in Next Screen. There is no Other way to Bypass this Process. So that's Why I Give First Preference to Use this Feature.

2.) Use Strong Password

Password is a Main Key to Login in your Account and Some of People Use very Simple and Easy to Remember Passwords that can Easily Guessed by Unauthorized People. Hackers Use Brute Force Attack on Victim account that Sometimes Successful because of weak Password. There are Still many People out There who use their Phone Number and Name123 as Their Password.

Tips For Strong Password

  • Use Both Capital and Small Letter
  • Facebook Should at least 6-15 Digits.
  • Use Special Simple ( !, $ and & ).

3.) Don’t Save Password in Browsers

Some of People not Aware about Their Browsers, When User Hit Login and in Upper Top a Option is come up to Save Password. Some of People Hit “Save Password” and This Will Become the Nightmare of him/her. On the Other Hand anyone can See the Saved Password in Browser Easily. So I Recommended to Not Save your Password in Browsers even Yours. Because sometimes Your Friends use your Computer and they also See Your Saved Password.

4.) Verify Phone Number and E-Mail Address

Phone Number and Email Address Play very Important Role in Facebook Account as a Recovery Option. When Your account is Take Over by Hackers So, If You Add your Phone No. and Email you can Easily Recover your Facebook Account. One More Thing Please Don’t Use Same Password in your Email Account and Facebook Account. If your Facebook Account’s Password is leak So Hackers can Take Full Access your Account Via Your Email Account. They also Take Over Email Account along with Facebook Account.

5.) Don’t Tick “Keep Me Logged In”

This Tip is for Those Who Open Their Facebook Account in Some Places Where People randomly use Internet Like Cafe, Office, School and College. Assume that You Tick “Keep Me Logged In”. It can Save your Cookies as for Further Use So This can’t Close Connection. Take a Small Example Assume Suddenly Lights Off and Your Facebook Account is Open that Time. So, This Account not Logged Out Automatically. When Someone Access it Again It can Directly Open your Account without any Password.

Read also: How to Track Facebook Profile Visitors 2016 

6.) Don’t Click on Spammy Link

There are many More reasons that your Account is Easily Hacked in Just One Click. If you are in IT Field You know About Session Hijacking In Which When you Click on Link It can Fetch your Username & Password and Upload it to Server. Facebook Automatically Detect Spammy Link But Its all over us to Secure His / Her Account. Hyperlink can Do more Deadly things Like Cookie Stealing, Take your any File from your Browser. So Guys Don’t Click any Link if You don’t Know about. Firstly Check that Link on Google. If Its Safe or Secure So you Open that Link.

7.) Use “Private Browsing” In Browsers

Today, All Mostly Known Browsers have Feature of “Private Browsing”. In Which your History and Other Data can’t be Save in Browser. If you Use Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari Like Browsers So you can Use Private Browsing Feature. Sometimes this Feature Named as “INCOGNITO”. This is Recommended to Always Browse Internet in this Mode that your Web History and Cookies not Tracked by Either Browsers or By Others.

8.) Protect Your Self  from Keyloggers

This is all Depend Over You to Secure your Facebook Account. So, Guys Please Don’t Login Someone’s Device and Browsers Because They May use Keylogger that can Track your Each Key you Tying on their Keyboard or also Take Picture of Your Screen. Keyloggers are very Killer Thing at that Time Sometimes, It can’t Be Detected by Antiviruses and Save all Data in Secure and Hidden Location.

9.) Don’t Add Unwanted People in Your Friends List

Sometimes Hackers can use Different Way to Hack your Facebook Account by Gaining your Confidence called “Social Engineering“. In This Victim is Tricked by Unauthorized People to Disclose their Personal details Like Hobby, DOB, Security Questions and your Activities that can Help Hackers to Break Your Security. It is Now in Trend So Guys Please Don’t Add People Who you Don’t Know. They Talk you in a Way that you can Reveal your Personal Details Easily.

10.) Activate Secure Browsing in Facebook Account

There are Many Facebook Features that can Help you To Secure your Facebook Account from Hackers Like 2-Steps Verification, Track Login Location etc. Secure Browsing is One of the Feature from Them. Once you can Enable Secure Browsing in your Facebook Account. You can Activate this Feature By Going (Account settings >> Security >> Edit Secure Browsing). By Doing This It can Limit your all External Application to use Your Personal Information. In Other Words Lock all External Access to your Account.


Guys, Above are the Best Way to Protect your Facebook Account. There are Millions of Hackers Out There that cna Daily Trying to Gain your Personal Information and Sensitive Data. So Its Our Responsibility to Protect our Self from These Notorious People. If You Use above Tips You can Effectively Secure your Account and these Facebook Features can also Improve your Facebook User Experience. Additionally You can also Hide Your Friends List on Facebook to Be Fully Safe. 

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